I would like to extend a warm welcome to those visiting from Sew Many Ways linking party! It is very nice to have you here :)
I really enjoy Karen's blog she has a wonderful sewing space that was very inspiring to me as I designed my own space and I love her projects, helps, and hints. I encourage you to visit her blog.

We purchased boards that are placed behind comic books as the board for the mini bolts for stability. I used two the first time and after that only used one per bolt. The ones I used are 6 3/4" X 10 1/2" there are 100 in a package and they were $6.99. Start by laying out your fabric with the folded side at the top or furthest away from your body with the selvage next to your body.
Fold the selvage edge up to the folded edge. This is a good time to straighten fabric that is not folded very well. Next place a board a little way in from the edge. Fold the edge over on to the board and continue rolling up the fabric watching your bottom edge keeping it uniform while rolling up the fabric.

When you get to the end of the fabric simply fold the edge over and secure with a straight pin.
Now you have a finished mini bolt of fabric.
This is the same stack of messy yardage I started with. I love how now they are all uniform and tidy and easy to organize and put away.
I shuffled some books that I don't read as often to the highest shelf and organized my new min bolts above the scrap book supplies. They are very easy to organize and it is also very easy to see what fabrics I have on hand for projects and inspiration for new projects! Happy Organizing :)
Good Morning to you, gosh my sewing room looks very messy compared to yours. I love the way you have stacked your fabrics, so very organised. You have given me a gentle push to tidy mine. Thank you. Enjoy your day. Best Wishes Daphne
It looks great,nice and tidy :)
Nice work! I agree that it is very inspiring to be able to see what you have to work with. Kind of makes you fall in love with your stash all over again...
Thank you so much for your compliments. I appreciate them very much. This room is between the bedrooms and the front of the house and this morning I felt so inspired when I saw everything greeting me so organized! I can't wait to create today :)
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