
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Down To Earth Forums

I want to give a shout out today to a place that is near and dear to me.  Many of you are aware of a wonderful forum that I belong to called Down to Earth.  There is a button just to the right on my side bar that is a link to this wonderful place.  It is like a second home for many of us there.  I have been so blessed  to make so many wonderful friends through the exchange of sharing simple living idea's.  There are so many simple, solid, tried and true solutions for any challenge you might be facing in your simple living lifestyle.  Whether you live in town and are planting your very first vegetable seeds or you live on a farm and are planting acre's of corn or herding sheep.  If you are picking up your first pot and pan, or you are a gourmet chef, you will find not only helpful solutions but kind words, understanding and compassionate people just like yourself striving to help each other on this journey of life.  No curiosity or question is too small or too silly.  The amazing thing about the forum and what makes it such a treasure is that no matter what you are going through or wondering about, or is next on your list to learn, someone, somewhere on the forum has experience with what will be your next journey!  I find that so amazingly refreshing.  I know there is a helping hand if I so choose to reach for it to help me along the way.  In return I love helping others when they reach our for help too.  Most of all, as I progress on my journey I am so thankful to have this amazing place, such wonderful friendships and kind wisdom to make my path an easier one. 

I want to extend an invitation to drop by the forum, stay for a little while or as long as you like, I have to warn you most of us never want to leave :)  Yes, its that wonderful.  I am there most days, along with a whole team of amazing moderators and administrators who donate their time and work very hard to ensure that the forum runs smoothly for the good of everyone.  There is a link below to the forum, most days you can find me there, drop in and say hello I would love to see you there too :)

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